Divorce and Property in Thailand

By William Johnson

Divorce and property in Thailand can become a problem if you did not plan properly. If you do not have a usufruct or have a superficies then the problems listed below is what you would be experiencing. Always take proper advice from an attorney before you get married in Thailand as that alone could save…

Damages in Divorce

By William Johnson

Damages in divorce can be difficult as well as costly. When you have been severed with notice of a divorce, you are best advised to consult a divorce lawyer in Thailand. Damages in a divorce are not uncommon especially when there is property and other investments at stake which may be in Thailand. If you…

Divorce and Property

By William Johnson

Divorce and property in Thailand can become a problem if you did not plan properly. If you do not have a usufruct or have a superficies then the problems listed below is what you would be experiencing. Always take proper advice from an attorney before you get married in Thailand as that alone could save…

Annulment and Property

By William Johnson

Annulment and property in Thailand! If you are going to have your marriage annulled then you have to consider the time limits with regards to property when the marriage is annulled. You will note that this is very rare in Thailand as the Thai government has many safety measures to ensure that you are not…

Property Rights

By William Johnson

Property rights and divorce would not be the same as it is in the US. There are a number of differences and you need to speak to a family lawyer in Thailand about these. Some Americans think that they do not need a prenuptial agreement while in Thailand however it is always best to ensure…